Patriotic Pick for July 2021
“George Washington’s Indispensable Men”
by Arthur S. Lefkowitz

Whether it’s via their tone, topic, or tenor, certain works just say “America.” Here is one such title, suggested by 2016 Grateful American™ Book Prize winner Chris Stevenson, author of The Drum of Destiny: Gabriel Cooper & the Road to Revolution:
George Washington’s Indispensable Men: Alexander Hamilton, Tench Tilghman, and the Aides-De-Camp Who Helped Win American Independence by Arthur S. Lefkowitz. Great men rarely achieve that greatness alone, and the Father of our Country is no exception. This readable, fact-filled volume offers an account of 32 largely forgotten figures — including Samuel B. Webb, William Palfrey, and Richard Kidder Meade — who stood beside George Washington as history was being made during the Revolutionary War.
Patriotic Picks is a monthly feature in partnership with the Washington Independent Review of Books.